Gather in this non-judgemental dance space to explore the language of your body, spirit, and soul. Make love, empower, and heal yourself through the medicine of Dance.

Activation Dance Classes

Goddess Activation Dance

For Women

Taste: Level 1

A journey that helps you to explore the language of your body, to move and release non-serving energies, and to re-program beliefs around the sacred feminine. An introduction to the light and dark feminine through various, full on, and raw movements. From exotic to sensual, sexy to soft, we explore and unleash the different aspects of the feminine without shame nor judgment. No prior dance skills needed.

Option to book on classpass. Option to book a private level 1 session (see private rituals).

Divulge: Level 2

This class is full on! It is a very intimate, pleasure-focused class with tantra elements and some trauma work incorporated. We wear lingerie (or being naked is also welcome). We create a safe sacred space for women to express their sexuality and to empower themselves through movement with an emphasis on the dark feminine. It is required to have joined a level 1 class and/or one of our circles.

Option to book a private level 2 session

Encompass: Level 3

To fully deep dive into all that is you. To meet your inner masculine and to fully reclaim the feminine. To embody the goddess in your entire being. To completely surrender to all your darkness and your light and merge them together. To find love in all spaces within you. This is a one-on-one class where I take you on a journey back to yourself. Its fierce. Its raw. Its transformative.

  • Em holds an incredibly safe & powerful space for women to reclaim their bodies, their sensuality, THEMSELVES. Best classes


  • The Goddess Activation Dance works like magic. During the class my whole state of being changed and I realized that this was what my soul was longing for. Emily guides you through various movements which makes you feel like a sensual goddess that deserves to be worshipped. You can see that she has done the work. After one hour I felt more liberated and powerful. Do you want to let go and embody your highest self? Emily provides a safe & sacred space to experience just that.

    Shryine W

  • Lovely and amazing and powerful workshop with Emily! I felt so much and so much inspiration from her and the way she designed the session. Till next time!

    Margaret H

Goddess Activation Dance

For Men

Taste: Level 1

Meet the woman in you. Touch her, love her, embody her. This is a dance journey that will help you explore the language of your inner feminine— light and dark. You will ignite and move sexual energy and re-program beliefs around the sacred feminine. The movements are raw & full on and it’s likely that you have never moved in this way before. Who is your inner woman? Lets find out.

Option to book a private session (see private rituals)

Divulge: Level 2

This class is full on! It is a very intimate, pleasure-focused class with tantra elements and some trauma work incorporated. You will dress in feminine clothing/lingerie (or being naked is also welcome). We create a safe sacred space for men to express their sexuality and to empower themselves through movement with an emphasis on the dark feminine. You will be invited to express your inner sacred slut and holy whore. It is required to have joined a level 1 class and/or one of our circles.

Option to book a private session (see private rituals)

Encompass: Level 3

To fully deep dive into all that is you. To meet your inner masculine and to fully reclaim the feminine. To embody the goddess in your entire being. To completely surrender to all your darkness and your light and merge them together. To find love in all spaces within you. This is a one-on-one class where I take you on a journey back to yourself. Its fierce. Its raw. Its transformative.


This was very special. I would advice every man to do this. Thank you so much!


When femininity finds expression, the unhealthy masculine judge inside gets triggered. I faced it. When the toxic masculine conditioning is seen and shacked off the body immediately the feminine inside arises. Showing me as a conditioned macho man from Mexico that my body craves care, that the subtle energies/ emotions scream attention, that I urge to release stiffness welcome fluidity in movement and life, that I am sensual, that I can show love, I can receive love, that I am love. That I’m inherently creation. Creativity flows and screams expression of my authentic self. Being vulnerable and powerful enough to show my authentic self, without shame. Without fear. Dancing. This is all the woman in me, my Devine Feminine.
This is Goddess Activation Dance for men.

God & Goddess Dance

For Couples

Group Ritual

The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine come together to worship eachother, to dance, and to create unity. Explore the language of your lovers body— both physically and energetically. Connect on a whole new level. The ritual with also include a men and women circle. (Same sex couples will be put in separate groups).

Private Ritual

A private ritual between you and your lover guided by the priestess. See, connect, feel, love eachother in a way you have never done before. You will energetically make love through the art of dance. You can choose to wear lingerie, to be naked, or fully clothed for this ritual.

Activation Movement

All people welcome

A journey that helps you to explore the language of your body, to move and release non-serving energies, and to activate various chakra centres. The movements are full and raw. From exotic to sensual, sexy to soft, we explore and unleash the different aspects of our being without shame nor judgment. No prior dance skills needed.