Special Workshops, Events, Ceremonies that I facilitate all over the world!

Shamanic Meditation Journeys

A shamanic journey is where one is taken into the spirit world through different portals of consciousness in your body using a meditative state. Together with spirit, we create a shamanic portal for you to enter. I am holding this portal energetically for you & guiding you through, which is different from a normal guided meditation where you are operating on a “mind level”  (thus, a typical guided meditation may not have the same energetic intensity). In this portal, deep healing and transformations in  the body, your DNA, & the unconscious realms can happen. When you go into this journey, you will gain key insights and wisdom from your own body-wisdom & intuition. You will learn more about your own authentic truth & be able to access your inner teachers/spirit team. Beings you can meet are: ancestors, spirit guides, guardian angels, Gods, Goddesses, Animal Totems, Plant spirits, future self/Higher Self, younger self/Inner child, your shadows, mythical creatures (dragons, fairies, etc) & more. Shamanic journeys are one of the most powerful tools one can use for self-healing & reprogramming! Before we begin the journey, we will do some embodiment practices to get into the body and then we will lie down for the actual journey. Please bring a blindfold. 

Blindfolded Shamanic Trance Dance

A blindfolded shamanic journey where one will be guided into the other world, into the Great Mystery, & then use dance & body movement to journey in that space. Whatever emotions come alive in your being, this is an invitation to use sound, breath, movement to emerge deeper into your own aliveness & to free yourself of anything you kept trapped inside. We will open & close together in circle. 

Orgasmic Movement & Breath

This class reprograms your body to surrender to more pleasure through movement & breath. It will leave you feeling ALIVE. Embark on a transformative journey where we blend ancient Taoist traditions and shamanic practices to unlock the potent magic of PLEASURE in your life. Orgasmic Breath is about the art of circulating and sustaining your sexual energy, without the involvement of genital touch. On top of that, we dive into the profound practice of making love with divinity within yourself & life around you! This workshop is an empowering start to RECLAIM your sexual energy and to take ownership of your pleasure. You will leave this workshop with an awareness & activation of your sexual power, which is your creative life-force energy. You will learn the fundamentals of a breathwork technique where you can access orgasmic energy without involving the genitals. 

Shamanic Ceremonies  (3 hours) 

Creating ceremonies based on what is alive & current with the energies (and what the land is asking of me) so I prefer to present an idea & then schedule it.

Ceremonies I have held in the past include:

  • New Moon/Full Moon circles

  • Women Only/Goddess/ Red Tent circles

    • For example: 

      • Wild woman ceremony with cacao, dance, shamanism 

      • Womb Activation

      • Yoni Cleansing 

      • Goddess Kali: Work with the Sacred Fire

  • Underworld Journeys / Shadow-work

  • Plant Medicine: Cacao, Rose, Sage, Rapeh

  • Music Circles

  • Manifestation 

  • Sexual-healing

Sex Magic Workshop

You can use the power of your sexual energy to MANIFEST your desires. You can also use this energy to heal your traumas. Together we will embark on our individual sex magic journeys and use the power of our collective sexual energy to super-charge our manifestations. You will enter a shamanic portal in which you will deep dive into your sexual expression. This event involves & allows genital touch, however, we will be using blindfolds during that journey, so everyone can feel safe in their own individual expression. We will use shamanic practices to prepare for the sex magic transmission & an integration sharing circle after. 

*for the protection of the participants, this event requires an application and can only be attended if accepted

Shadow-work Workshop

If you do not own your shadows, your shadows will own you. Our shadows, the aspect of ourselves that we are blinded to, create & control about 90% of our lives. The more awareness we bring to our shadows and learn to love & accept them, the more we are able to embody unconditional love. Also, the patterns, beliefs, behaviors, emotions that are not serving us can be healed & reprogrammed only when we anchor them in the light. In this workshop, I bring you into the unconscious realms using shamanic practices so that you can discover what kind of unconscious aspects have been controlling your life. We get raw & real about it and then learn to totally embrace & love it. This ceremony takes you into your inner mysteries & it is not for those who wish to bypass their emotions or ignore what lives & breathes inside themselves and is ready to be seen, loved, heard, and felt. This is a very deep ceremony where Maia will guide you into your inner underworld with breathwork, shamanic meditation, movement, & special rituals. 

Shamanic & Tantric Sacred Sexuality Workshop

Tantra is about making love with life and all thats alive within you. Shamanism is about going so deep into your humanity in order to find God/Goddess. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of tantra combined with shamanism in order to activate your own sexual healing. This workshop gifts you the education (in an embodied way) that we should have been given when we became initiated as sexually alive beings. What you will walk away from is more awareness of your body & powerful life-force energy & the tools on how to be empowered by it. In this space, we will not only learn to listen to the wisdom of our bodies, but also be given a safer container to heal any triggers or shame that may exist in our sexual expression.

In this workshop, you will indulge in shamanic, tantric, & conscious sexuality practices where you will:

1. learn to feel your NO and say it fiercely

2. understand energy & what makes your body contract & expand

3. learning to feel safer in the body

4. saying "fuck no" to being a people pleaser and understanding how to be comfortable in truth 

5. learn the tools of sexual reclamation

6. How to bring more consciousness to your sexual experiences

Temples (Full Day to Night events) 

A temple is connecting to the divine, welcoming all that you are, and immersing yourself in sexual ceremonial practices. Its a spiritually potent space where you use your sexually energy to open the portal to the Goddess. In Ancient societies, tribes would partake in sexual practices within sacred spaces (Temples) in order to connect deeper to divine energy, usually led by a Priest and/or Priestess. Sexual expression was (and still is) a form of prayer to the Goddess and was accepted and considered natural. Today, the sacredness and origin of sex as a channel to connect to divinity, higher states of consciousness, and to the holy mother earth has been forgotten and shamed. Most beings in our modern world are unaware of the spiritual potency sexuality invokes & what it truly means to partake in these practices.

*Every temple has a specific theme. However, they always involve: 2-3 hours of conscious sexuality work (boundaries/consent/etc) with a special focus on triggers, followed by 2 hours of tantric & shamanic rituals, and ending with an open free temple space to be in sexual prayer, with whatever that means for you.